Introducing the creative and hard working crew of Electric Imp Studio!
Justin Brown is a painter, screen printer, sculptor, industrial designer, electronic musician and computer programer. He is also the technical assistant and a camera operator for Electric Imp Studio. Justin also produced some of the musical sountracks and plays the role of The Grand Director in the series Human: A Composition.

Mike Lawrence is a camera operator for Electric Imp Studio and plays the role of The Guardian in the series Human: A Composition.
Melynda Rodriguez is a studio and performing musician. She helped make some of the musical sountracks for the series Human: A Composition.
Visit her page at melyndarodriguez.com

Doug J. Bloomer (SAG) began his acting career in San Diego, CA (Elegance Modeling and Talent Agency). His other interests include: Staff-writer for the 'Arts and Entertainment' section of www.californiality.com, host of www.cinemacircus.net and www.universeofvoid.com, published cartoonist, props and building miniature creations, Producer for ongoing documentary- 'FIGURES IN ACTION' with www.cmac.tv. Doug also designed the junkyard set in Episode 5: The Empty Core.
"You are all welcome to join us at CinemaCircus.net (Facebook) where we promote talent and productions of Indie-film-makers!" - Doug J. Bloomer

Ritchie V. Sacheli is a graphic designer and animator. He assisted with the animation of the eye in the tower in Episode 2: This is War.

Tommy Somsouk is a camera operator for Electric Imp Studio.
A big thank you to CMAC, the Community Media Access Collaborative, for the use of equipment and support. Most of the crew of Electric Imp Studio are members of CMAC, and our videos will be broadcasting on their channels.